Therapies Using Ancient Techniques

Traditional Thai Massage

As our main area of expertise, our massage therapists have been professionally trained in the art of traditional Thai massage, combining deep rhythmic movements with varying pressure to rebalance the body’s energy.

Begin Your Journey To Inner Relaxation

Book now for your chosen treatment with the KLR Massage therapists.

Designed With Your Wellbeing In Mind

Clear The Mind, Release Tension & Move Freely

Dating back as far as 2,500 years ago, the traditional Thai massage is known as one of the most popular ancient healing practices, originally used in temples to heal the mind, body and soul. Using these proven techniques, along with yoga-inspired methods of stretching, KLR Massage brings you complete relaxation.

The focus is to add gentle pressure along the energy lines, allowing oxygen to flow through the body and tension to be relieved. In return, this rebalances the mental, physical and spiritual energy levels, creating a feeling of inner peace. As these energy lines travel down the back, hands and legs, a Thai massage will also work towards easing any muscle stiffness, improving overall flexibility. This means that the treatment can act as natural pain relief, ideal for those who are experiencing back and neck issues.

Reap The Natural Healing Benefits

Unwind With Our Thai Oil Massage

Through combining the techniques of a traditional Thai massage with the natural benefits of essential oils, the Thai oil massage unblocks and restores the natural energy flow. Your massage therapist will use their palms, thumbs, elbows and knees to alternate the pressure across the body, ensuring that they can reach the deep tissue in any areas causing pain, tension or discomfort. This treatment comes alongside several benefits, including:

  • Calms the nervous system and therefore, reduces stress
  • Helps to boost the immune system
  • Increases the strength of organs and bodily systems
  • Improves joint and muscle flexibility

What Our Wonderful Clients Say

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My absolute favourite massage!

"I booked in with KLR Massage for the combination Thai massage and honestly have never felt so relaxed. As I have an office job, I always find that my body feels so stiff and achy, so I found the stretching fantastic and the hot stones were a dream! Cannot wait to get booked in again."