A tranquil environment to relax, unwind and uncover inner peace.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

Massage Therapies Tailored To You

Begin Healing From Within

Whether it may be to aid the recovery of an injury or calm the mind, body and soul, KLR Massage specialises in a variety of therapies to promote complete relaxation. These have been perfected through many years of experience and continuous development, using techniques which date back to some of the oldest healing traditions. Every treatment has been designed using a combination of ancient Thai massage therapy and the art of natural healing to target common ailments both physically and mentally.

Our Promise To You

Committed To Thorough Revitalisation

Massage therapies come alongside a wealth of health benefits while promoting the feeling of deep calmness. Nevertheless, we recognise it is essential only to place your trust in a massage therapist that puts your wellbeing at the forefront of treatments, so promise the following:

Accredited Team

Our massage therapists are trained to VCTC Level 3 standard and are dedicated to maintaining a high reputation amongst clients.

Natural Products

All products used for therapies, including aromatherapy oils, are created using natural ingredients, making them suitable for all skin types.

Bespoke Therapies

Should you have a particular ailment, such as muscle pain from sitting at a desk, then we can tailor your treatment to tackle areas of discomfort.

Save With Our Set Price Package Offers

Treat Yourself To A Pamper Package

Along with one-off therapies, KLR Massage also offers a number of specially designed packages, which are ideal for those looking to treat themselves to the ultimate pamper. These feature a combination of treatments, which, when combined, offer maximised benefits and total tranquillity. Not only is this a fantastic choice for those looking for a gift for a loved one, but the corporate package is also a wonderful incentive for employees, allowing to step away from the hustle and bustle of office life and enter a haven of relaxation.